Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Day 20 Bullard Beach Park to Humbug Mountain Park (40 miles) 28th July.

On the previous days ride I had bought myself a small frying pan and some bacon so I made myself a nice sandwich before starting off. It was a good set off on today's travel that would take me another 40 miles via the town of Bandon and into Curry County. It would also put me over the 300 mark. The night in Bullards Beach was really good as we not only went out for pizza but we also met father and son riders Scott and Will. Scott is the father and he was taking Will on his 13th birthday present for a ride down the coast. Will is his 3rd son and had done similar rites of passage with his other boys. He does have an 8 year old daughter so what he will do for her 13th could be out doors but if it's a Justin Bieber gig then he may draw the line. I stopped for a coffee just before leaving Bandon then quickly got into a nice pace only stopping to take some photographs are more amazing wood carvings and the curiously titled Lois Lane. With the wind behind, distance was being covered with good speed and I did feel sorry for the three riders fighting with a head wind approaching me going North. A gave them a friendly wave and two fingered peace or victory sign depending on how they wanted to take it. This segment has been the easiest I have undertaken so far and it seemed strange pulling into the camp site neither out of breath or straining. The only real issue was I passed through the town of Port Orford without stopping for supplies when it turned out to be the last town before camp so I won't be able to have my coffee with milk. I would have gone back, though 7 miles up hill or black coffee has only one winner.

Music for today's ride.
Pulp - Different Class
Kings of Leon - Because of the times
Patti Smith - Horses

I dedicate today to Brendan and Kate. Good travellers.

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