Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Day 27 Mchericer State Park to Manchester KOA (44 miles) 4th August.

Regarding the ride, it was very steady with a few hills. I stopped a few times and ate at a nice cafe in a town called Mendocino.
I was thinking while riding about the series of events that led me to be where I am exactly now as I type this. Was this always going to happen? When I went into work that one morning and said to Cassie, "I'm going travelling". If I hadn't have said those three words would I have actually ended up going? What guided me to choose this route? Why didn't I choose South America? Did a list of prior causes that I had no control over, send me down a path to here or was I going here? If I had walked into work that morning and went into the kitchen before I went to my desk then what would I be doing right now? Would it be exactly the same? Surely it would be different from that point on and not just for me but everbody everywhere. Can what one person does affect everyone everywhere without everyone ever knowing? In a way, if I had typed just the normal events of today instead of what I have just typed, then what I do tomorrow will be different to what I now will do?
I have just read this back and to me I understand what I am typing, whether anyone else who reads it does may be a different thing altogether. When you read it though, everything you do from that point on will be different to what you would have done if what I had written had been different but you won't know in what way, nor ever will know. Maybe?

P.s. I am not slipping over the edge so don't worry. I just started thinking about a previous Phil & Cassie conversation about cause and effect.

3 or 4 days till San Francisco........come on!!!!!

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