Day 30 Samuel Taylor to San Francisco (33 miles) 7th August.
The night in Samuel Taylor State Park was not the best nights sleep I have ever had. Someone had a touch of the "current buns" I think as I kept hearing a tent zip, quick footsteps, door opening then toilet flushing. Having the trots in a state park is probably not the most comfortable situation for the afflicted never mind the affected. Around 5am it was the turn of the Raccoons. You know, those cute animals off the cartoon with Cyril Sneer. When not trying to save the forest and thwart Cyrill's plans they are working out ways to break into the food storage boxes. The little buggers actually lifted the hook, opened someone's bag and dragged off a bag off cereal and a bag of nuts. They took them over a fallen tree to the other side of the stream to eat so us humans could get them back. Maybe I won't say "Ahhh, poor thing" next time I ride past what's left of one on the road. I set off early to get to the Bay and followed the route into the city over the amazing Golden Gate Bridge. It's every bit as awesome as it looks on TV or film. Getting across is a mission due to current work which makes all pedestrians and cyclists in both directions use the same small path. Once I got into the city I tried to get a room at a hostel but there is a big weekend festival being held in the city with acts like The Black Keys, Elton John and Mumford and Sons so finding accommodation was difficult. It was sorted in the end a I have one night in a motel and two in a hostel which gives me chance to be a tourist again.
No music on this ride
Dedicated to Conrad Wright and Paul Dunn.
Hey Phil just spent my Sunday morn and part afternoon catching up on your blog it's an inspiring read my friend and fookin hilarious sounds like you've met some amazing people on the way next time you stop off to eat say the the waitress wado and thank ya kind lady and don't go knockin down mail boxes. Bandit from jool